Take Action/ Ask for Help!
Get proactive
- Read about your symptoms
- Find available resources
- Talk with someone about what’s happening
Engage a professional
- Don’t overlook your employer resources
- Talk with your general practitioner
- Call helplines or follow advice
Follow advice
- Don’t ignore the advice provided
- Don’t talk yourself out of it
Establish Boundaries
- Listen to your gut
- If you don’t respect your boundaries, don’t expect others to respect them
- Get good at saying “NO”
Make Connections
Perils of Isolation
- Start to lose your social skills
- Start to overshare
- Become less collaborative
- Leads to depression
Start a gratitude journal
Start your day with a gratitude list
Expand your Spirituality or Consciousness
Research in Spirituality and Health
- Mortality: People who have regular spiritual practices tend to live longer
- Coping: Patients who are spiritual utilize their beliefs in coping with illness, pain, and life stresses
- Recovery: Spiritual commitment tends to enhance recovery from illness and surgery
Exercise (Activate the Parasymathic System)
- Running/Hiking/Walking
- Swimming
- Dancing
- Playing a Musical Instrument
- Yoga
- Painting / Creating Art
- Gardening / Working with Hands
- Golfing
- Cooking
Help Others
In a 30,000 person study on the effect of stress over 10 years on the rate of death, people who believed that they had a very stressful year and that stress was harmful to their health had 43% higher risk of death than those who did not.
A related study showed that the effect of stress on death rate was completely offset where people were regularly helping others.
- At 2016 Annual Meeting, NCBP, NABE both address alcohol, substance use, mental health problems (ABA Bar Leader)
- The interwoven social fabric of substance abuse and attorneys (Addiction Now)
- Wellness and the Legal Profession: Implications of the 2016 Landmark Study on the Prevalence of Substance Use and Mental Health Concerns Among US Attorneys (The Bar Examiner, National Conference of Bar Examiners)
- Lawyers Grapple with Substance Abuse More than Other Professionals: Study (Bloomberg BNA)
- High rates of alcohol abuse, depression among U.S. attorneys, study says (Chicago Tribune)
- The Legal Profession’s Drinking Problem (CNN)
- Study Indicates Lawyers Struggling with Substance Use and Other Mental Health Issues (Forbes)
- Alcoholics and the Profession of Law (Justicia’s Verdict)
- Betty Ford and the Challenge to Our IP Profession (Landslide, ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law)
- Drinking is a Problem for 1 in 3 Lawyers, Study Finds: Junior associates have highest rate of alcohol abuse (The National Law Journal)
- How Hard Drinking Lawyers Can Get Off the Bottle (Newsweek)
- High Rate of Problem Drinking Reported Among Lawyers (The New York Times)
- Standing Up to Attorney Substance Abuse (The Recorder)
- Study discusses lawyers’ alcohol, behavior problems: Authors spoke about the study at American Bar Association meeting in SD (The San Diego Union-Tribune)
- It Is Never Too Late: Taking the time for lawyer wellness (Texas Bar Journal)
- One-fifth of this occupation has a serious drinking problem (Washington Post)
- It’s time to promote our health: ABA mobilizes on multiple fronts to address well-being in the legal profession (ABA Journal, December 2018)
- ABA’s Focus on Lawyers’ Well-Being Is ‘Right Thing to Do’ (Bloomberg BNA, May 7, 2018)
- ABA ‘Furiously Working’ to Craft Proposal on Lawyers’ Mental Health (The National Law Journal, May 21, 2018)